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Choose God

In a verse I read today Joshua told the children of Israel "Choose you this day who you will serve, but as for me and my house we will servce the Lord".  This day there are many things vying for our attention.  There are many things you can invest time and effort in while chasing the "pursuit of happiness".  By God's grace - I and my family will serve the Lord.  How can I use the minutes and seconds of this day for Him?  How will you spend you your day(s)?  What is your choice today?

God Bless,


June 3rd - Prayer and Bible Study

Tonight, we look at a practical process for culitivating bibilical discernment.  In toinght's video, we will look at 11 Steps for Biblical Decision Making.  Please see the attached handout, and if you can, download it and print it out prior to watching the video.

Melissa has already sent the prayer sheet.

Next week we will meet on campus in the auditorium at 7:00 pm, and we will begin looking at ethical topics.

God Bless!




See You Sunday

Praise the Lord, we will be holding our morning service on campus at 11:30 this Sunday!  We will also be livestreaming our service, for those who think it best not to attend on site.  Here is a brief infromational video about seating and other plans.

The evening and Wednesday night services will still be online at wbcs.org


We rejoice with Julie Rupe in the following praise:

Pastor and Church Family,


I cannot thank you enough for praying for my sister this week. She was discharged from the hospital and has been working on finishing up her antibiotics. After that, the plan is to go ahead and schedule surgery to remove the inflamed part of her intestine. 


On a much larger note, she shared some other news with me tonight. While she was in the hospital, there was a nurse who was able to connect with her, which resulted in my sister sharing some personal, emotional details with her. The nurse invited her to church and said she would pray for her. Kate was also able to have a heart to heart talk with her doctor about her lifestyle habits. He warned her that if she didn't make some adjustments, there may be further repercussions, physically speaking, especially with her intestinal issues lately. 


Once she was discharged, she got home and was tempted to fall into the same bad habits the doctor just warned her about. She shared with me that, in order to be distracted, she would listen to Christian music that we had growing up; she would also listen to Charles Stanley. A couple days ago, she said that Stanley was preaching on salvation and forgiveness of sins. She said she was tired of sinning, making bad choices, and running from God, and SHE REPENTED and was saved!!! My heart is so overwhelmed and bursting right now! The prodigal child has come home!!!


She texted me a couple hours ago and said she had a chat with her children, Kalvin (13) and Olivia (21). She told them she wanted them to know God like she and I did (growing up in a Christian home) and that she was sorry that she hadn't raised them better. She said that people will know her by her fruits soon, she just has to replant her fields. :heart: 


We were weeping together and had a conversation like I've never had before with her! I told her that my church family was praying for her--she said THANK YOU, and that she could feel it! Please continue to pray for her spiritual growth. She is so far removed from any Biblical teaching, so she has lots of big questions and is looking for answers! 


So thank you for praying for her! I'm sorry for the long update, but I fear I wouldn't be able to get through it in person. haha Our God is BIG, and I'm just so grateful tonight! 


Julie Rupe


Sunday's Coming

It is exciting and thrilling that we will be able to gather together again this Sunday!!  It will be so good to see our church family together.  As we attempt to balance the opportunity to meet with the desire to keep everyone safe, we will be implementing some new proceedures at least for the short term.

  • The auditorium, lobby, bathrooms, nursery, and cafeteria are receiving a thorough cleaning and sanitization.  Walls and surfaces are being washed, carpets and chairs are being cleaned, the air purifier is being run.  Many thanks to all who are helping with this process.
  • For the first couple of weeks we will have only a Sunday morning service at 11:30 on campus.  Additional services will be added as it is deemed appropriate to do so, and tentative plans are in the works.
  • We will continue to have online children and adult Sunday school.
  • If you are in a high risk population or living with or caring for someone in a high risk population, please exercise caution in attending.  We will be livestreaming the service so that you and others may watch from home and stay safe.  Please be careful and discerning.
  • If you are sick, have been exposed to someone who has CoVID-19, or have travelled in the last two weeks to high infection areas (in or out of country), kindly watch online and stay home.  That is an act of courtesy and compassion for others.
  • To maintain social distancing, all families will need to sit together.  We will not have nursery or other childcare for the service.  There will be distanced seating in both nurseries and the ladies' lounge for mothers who need to care for their own infants.
  • We have grouped and distanced all the seating in the auditorium so that families may sit as groups.  Therefore, we have a reduced seating capacity.  In order to accommodate as many of our church family as possible, please sit in a grouping of chairs that matches (or as closely as possible matches) the number in your group.  Families of four please sit in seating for four, and leave larger seating groups for larger families.  Couples and singles, please sit in seating for two.  We have overflow seating in the cafeteria that is a similar arrangement.  Ushers will help to guide you to appropriate seating.
  • We will have three check-in stations, the lobby entrance, the soundbooth entrance, and the piano/stage entrance.  Each check-in station will have hand sanitizer, wipes, and a few optional masks.  Please sanitize and wipe phone, keys, and hands prior to entering.  Plan to arrive a few minutes early, and be mindful of tape on the ground and social distancing while checking in. 
  • If you plan to sit in the front 1/3 of the auditorium and are a group of five or less, please use the piano/stage entrance at the front of the auditorium.
  • If you plan to sit in the back 2/3 of the auditorium on the soundbooth side, please use the soundbooth entrance at the rear/side of the auditorium.
  • If you plan to sit in the back 2/3 of the auditorium on the world map side, please use the lobby/main entrance at the rear/center of the auditorium.
  • If you have a family of six or more, please use one of the rear entrances.  Seating for five is the maximum in the front.
  • Restrooms will be cleaned before, in the middle, and at the end of the service.  Please help us by minimizing on campus restroom use.
  • Offering plates will be available at the exits, but please give online, through direct deposit, or mailed gifts if possible.

I know this seems like a lot, but we are trying to be good stewards of the health of those around us.  The opportunity to gather with you all again is worth the extra effort.

Sunday's Coming and I can't wait!  God Bless You!



Do The Right Thing - God is the Foundation 2

Our Wednesday night prayer and Bible study will post online a little after 7:00 pm.

You can view video on our website at wbcs.org.  View it here.

Please see the attached prayer sheet, handout, and the handout for last night's marriage video.


God Bless,
