Living For Eternity
Easter Sunday
Invite friends and family for our Easter services for a special time to celebrate the resurection of Jesus Christ.
Parent Resource Night
Dear Parents,
It is probable that your teen or child has been or will be exposed to pornography. Consider these statistics:
- The average age of exposure to pornography is 9 years old
- 90% of children ages 8 to 16 have viewed pornography online, most while doing homework.
- 80% of teens ages 15 to 17 have had multiple exposures to hardcore porn.
- 89% of sexual solicitations of youth online are made in chat rooms. (Source: Barna Group 2016)
- Two popular online pornographic website have 3.14 and 2.85 trillion monthly visitors - outpacing Amazon and Netflix.
A couple of weeks ago several of our school students (boys and girls) shared their struggles with lust, pornography, bitterness, depression, or suicide in a testimony service. We had a resource night to help parents protect their children or help them get victory over their struggles. Please make use of the attached video, slide deck, and resource list if it will be a help to your family.
Click here to watch the Parent Resource Night video.
Please let us know if we can be of help.
May God give us all Wisdom and Grace,
Pastor Wooten
Choose God
In a verse I read today Joshua told the children of Israel "Choose you this day who you will serve, but as for me and my house we will servce the Lord". This day there are many things vying for our attention. There are many things you can invest time and effort in while chasing the "pursuit of happiness". By God's grace - I and my family will serve the Lord. How can I use the minutes and seconds of this day for Him? How will you spend you your day(s)? What is your choice today?
God Bless,